Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Into the Wild Summary

Into the Wild is a story about a young man that decides that he wants to start a fresh new life and travel. Chris, the main character, gives all his money to a local charity, burns the money in his wallet and leaves his car. He also changes his name so that his family will not be able to stop him. Chris grew up in the upper middle class and has had a lot of privileges in his life. He was did not have a good relationship with his parents and was not happy with the life he was living. So, he began a two year long journey with the hope that he would find happiness.

Image from: http://visibleprocrastinations.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/2005-05-31-chris.jpg

Monday, February 22, 2010

About the Author

The author of Into the Wild is Jon Krakauer. Jon Krakauer was born in Massachusettes but was raised in Oregon from the age of two. He was the third out of five children, and when he was eight his father introduced him to mountaineerring. He attended Hampshire College in Massachusetts and in 1976 he received a degree in Environmental Studies. In 1977 he feel in  love with Linda Mariam Moore and they married in 1980. He climbed Mt. Everest in 1996. He was mostly famous for his article in the Outsider. Into the Wild was published in 1996, and was on the best seller list for two years.

Image from: http://www.times.com/books/97/05/18/reviews/krakauer.jpg

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Where Do I Want to Travel?

I would live to travel to New Orleands. New Orleands is such an interesting place and I would like to see some of the history. Though it has changed over the years I still think it would be fascinating to visit it. It just has so much history, I believe I would enjoy it. I do not travel a lot but when I do I travel to the north and not the south. I would like to travel somewhere different then what I am use to.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Getting to know Chris McCandless

Direct Characterization- the narrator or character in the story tells us what we need to know about a character
Indirect Characterization- we find out about characters indirectly through thoughts, comments, or actions made by the character

-  "He could simply abondon the Datsun and resume his odyssey on foot." (pg.28-29)
- "There was just no talking the guy out of it." (pg. 6)
-  He'd get hungary quick and walk out to the highway. That is what any normal person would do.(pg.7)
-"Said he'd been surviving on edible plants  he identified from the book..."(pg.30) Jan is mentioning his resourcefulness.
-"While he was in town, he noticed a secondhand aluminum canoe for sale and on an impulse decided to buy it and paddle it down the Colorado River..." (pg.20)
-Chris had burned all the money in his wallet. this shows he did not like material things.
-Chris had good morals, he offered Gallien his watch and his money for the ride. He was always very polite.

-"He didn't appear to be very old: eighteen, nighteen at most."(pg.3)
-"He had a wiry built, and 5'7" or 5'8""(pg.4)
- Wayne said he was a very hard working person, and he was greatly appriciated.
-When they found him dead, they determined after an autopsy that said he died with very little fat, the muscle had withered away days or weeks before he died.He probably died of starvation, weighing only 67 pounds.
-He was wearing an old shirt and a stupid hat, Chris was wearing tattered old clothes to desguise himself.
-"He was unheeded, happy, nearnear to the heart of life.."(pg.31)
-"We got to talking. He was a nice kid...."(pg.30)

Friday, February 19, 2010

What Do I Want On My Belt?

If I made a belt I would put an autism sign on it for my brother. I would also put a picture of a crab because I have lived in Maryland my whole life. The third symbol I would put on my belt would be a dog because I love animals. Than I would put a picture of three girls to represent my two sisters and I. Next on my belt would be a wave because I go to Ocean City every summer with my family.The sixth symbol that would be on my belt would be a book because I enjoy reading. Than my final symbol would be a snow flake because I love the winter. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Impression of Chris

I admire Chris a lot for the changes he made in his life during this journey.  Yes, he could have prepared more, and have the correct items to embark on his adventure. Though he did not make the smartest decicions, he did what he wanted to do. He realized what he needed in life. He figured out that happiness is only real when you have people to share it with. Yes, it took him two to figure it out, but its better he figured it out then instead of living a meaningless life and being miserable. He reached his goals. I believe that is something that everyone wants to achieve. Though he went to an extreme and died for his goals, he will never question why he would do something so courageous.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Persuasive Essay

Mary Yankovich


Mrs. Zurkowski

Is Chris Crazy?

A lot of people believe Chris McCandless, was crazy to travel all over the United States with no connection with friends or family. I think he did what he needed to do in life. He needed to find out what he wanted in life. He wanted to know what happiness was, and he accomplished that by leaving a privileged life and being without his family and close friends. Chris, I believe, is a real role model. He saw what he wanted out of life and went for it. He didn’t care if we died and what people thought of him. Though his life was short he did more than anyone can say in a lifetime.

Chris was good with people but when he started to get close to tem he pushed them away. “No. You don’t get it. I’m going to San Diego. And I’m leaving on Monday. OK. I’ll drive you there. (Franz) Don’t be ridiculous, McCandless scoffed.” (Chapter 6 pg.52) Franz was an older man that Chris met and became very close to him. They were so close that Franz was going to ask Chris if he could adopt him as his grandson. Once, Chris started to really care about Franz he knew we had to leave. Chris didn’t want any tip of family strings attached.

When Chris realized that happiness wasn’t real unless it was shared with others he knew he had to go home and see his family, but he never made it home. “He intended to abandon the life of a solitary vagabond, stop running so hard from intimacy, and became a member of the human community.”(Chapter 18 pg. 189) He knew what life was about, he knew he needed to get home and see his family and friends. If he wasn’t in such pore health I have no doubt that he would have gone home and lived a normal life.

“Carine made peace with her parents shortly after Chris disappeared.” (Chapter 13 pg.129) Carine and Chris were very close and they both did not have a good relationship with their parents. After Chris left Carine made up with her parents, but it was hard for Chris to deal with his parents. Chris was very stubborn and if he wasn’t than he would not have gone on his two year adventure.

Yes, it was not smart of Chris to travel to the Stampede Trail without the correct supplies but learned so much on his journey. Not just Chris but anyone that knows his story. You can learn so much from his experience. By his journey you can know what you have to have that Chris was without if you wish to go on a long adventure as Chris. Chris did make many mistakes but he took so many chances in life that everyone needs to do. People should stop what they’re doing and travel to someplace you have not been, but always wanted to go.

Chris had an amazing adventure that not many people experience. Chris was afraid to get close to people, he didn’t relate to his parents and he was very close to his sister. How he lived his life should influence people to look at life in a new way. You should be able to relate to what Chris was going. If you do not know what you should have a small adventure like Chris.